ISO-9001 accreditation is one way we assure the community that we are doing our best to achieve exceptional care and service. The accreditation process involves the ongoing review of our performance against national standards across a range of areas. ADAS regularly review and improve our processes and services to ensure that we continue to comply with these standards.

Open Disclosure

Please click here to download a copy of Advanced Dental Anaesthesias open disclosure policy.

Statutory Duty of Candour – SDC

Every health and care professional must be open and honest with patients and people in their care when something that goes wrong with their treatment or care causes, or has the potential to cause, harm or distress.  This means that health and care professionals must:

  • tell the person (or, where appropriate, their advocate, carer or family) when something has gone wrong
  • apologise to the person (or, where appropriate, their advocate, carer or family)
  • offer an appropriate remedy or support to put matters right (if possible)
  • explain fully to the person (or, where appropriate, their advocate, carer or family) the short and long term effects of what has happened.

Health and care professionals must also be open and honest with their colleagues, employers and relevant organisations, and take part in reviews and investigations when requested. They must also be open and honest with their regulators, raising concerns where appropriate. They must support and encourage each other to be open and honest, and not stop someone from raising concerns.

Please click here to download the Consumer Statutory Duty of Candour flyer.

Please click here to download the Consumer Statutory Duty of Candour FAQ flyer.


ADAS strives to ensure a safe and comfortable experience before, during and after your treatment. If you are in any way dissatisfied with your experience, we strongly encourage you to contact our designated Complaints Officer in writing at: [email protected]

If you wish to make a suggestion to better improve our delivery of care, or if we have failed to meet your expectation in any other way, we want to hear from you. Your complaint or suggestion will be treated in a respectful, professional and confidential manner.

If it cannot be resolved via phone or email conversation to your satisfaction, ADAS has an established pathway to formally address your concerns, in compliance with government regulations. Our Complaints Officer will guide you in formalising your complaint. Our policy in handling of complaints and grievances is fully aligned with established practices and standards and guided by AHPRA.

Please click here to download a copy of Advanced Dental Anaesthesia Solutions complaint policy.

Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights